Lab Procedures
- Food/drinks are absolutely not allowed under any circumstances. No visible containers, open or closed, empty or full. Refer anyone who does not wish to cooperate with this policy to the Lab Supervisor (Cory Callahan) or to the Dean's Office. If after hours, call Campus Police (ext. 7777).
- Holiday scheduling - The lab closes for some holidays and cuts back to limited hours on others. Lab assistants are responsible to insure their scheduled shifts are covered even during holidays. Spring Break is the most difficult to plan for.
- Email - Lab Assistants should all have email accounts. Check your email daily. If you do not use your TCU email account, give us an address where we can reach you.
- Bad weather closures - In the event the University is closed due to inclement weather, the lab will likewise be closed. University closings are published to major news and radio networks (as well as KTCU) and the TCU homepage.
- Handicapped access - Units 201 and 101 in the Computer Lab are designated as "Handicapped Priority".
- Lost and Found - Only articles of obviously very low value should be kept in the lab. These items should be kept locked in the lab assistant drawer. Anything else should be taken to the Dean's Office as soon as possible.
- Phone Use - Phone at the lab desk is for Lab business only, by Lab Assistants only!
- Classroom support - After classes dismiss in both abs (Neeley 2113 and BIS Lab), walk all labs and straighten chairs and workstations. Also, fill paper in lab printers and make sure that all AV equipment has been turned off. The blinds in the BIS lab are to remain open when class is not in session so that you can more easily monitor what goes on in there. If you find the blinds closed, go in and open them.
- Copier Support - Lab assistants are responsible to restock paper, attempt to clear jams, report problems that can't be corrected to Karen Ferguson in the Auxiliary Dean's Office, ext. 7422.
Click here for the Lab Assistant Handbook