Regular Hours
Monday-Thursday | 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. |
Friday | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Saturday-Sunday | CLOSED |
Summer Hours
Monday-Friday | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Saturday-Sunday | CLOSED |
Lab Policies
- Current operating hours. Hours listed above are subject to change during holidays, semester breaks, and summer terms. Current hours are posted on the lab bulletin boards as well as at the West entrance to Tandy Hall.
- Food, drinks, and tobacco products of all types are prohibited in the labs. No containers, open or closed, may be brought inside. No exceptions. Violators may be referred to the Neeley School Dean's Office or the TCU Dean of Students for disciplinary action.
- Handicapped Access: The first workstation nearest the door in each lab (#101 in MIS Classroom, #201 in Computer Lab) is designated for priority use by handicapped users. If required by someone with special needs, the lab assistant may ask you to move to another computer.
- MIS Classroom reservations: The Neeley 2113 MIS Classroom may be reserved at various times for exclusive use by business classes. The lab can be reserved by logging on to neeleysupport.tcu.edu and filling out a Lab Reservation form.
- Do not install software or data files on local hard drives or shared network drives. Store personal files and software only on your personal network account (U: drive). Illegal copying of software is against TCU policy and may result in disciplinary action including loss of computing privileges.