Innovation at the intersection of finance and technology.

It’s no secret that technology is redefining the way companies across industries operate, and the field of finance is no exception. As financial technology, or fintech, continues to evolve, business leaders are facing a rising demand for talent with advanced technical skills.

Our Fintech Certificate is designed to give you both the experience and specialization you need to implement the latest technologies with financial strategies to solve real-world problems. Learn to foster digital innovation and gain the in-demand skills you need to thrive in rapidly-changing and technology-driven professions. 

You’ll explore a range of topics, including blockchain, machine learning, and artificial intelligence within the contexts of cryptoassets, credit default predictions and robo-advising.

Required Courses

Our certificate program is only available to current students pursuing an undergraduate degree at the TCU Neeley School of Business. It requires 9 credit hours that can be taken as electives in your business coursework.

  • INSC 30263 – Blockchain and Fintech
  • INSC 30273 – Machine Learning and Fintech
  • INSC 30283 – Artificial Intelligence and Fintech

Interested in the Fintech Program?

To enroll in Fintech classes, students must be accepted to the Fintech program. To apply, please complete the form linked below. The first deadline to complete the form for Fall 2025 classes is March 30, 2025.

For questions, please contact

Apply Now

Ellis, Diane: Director, Division of Insurance and Research, FDIC
Grieshaber, Aaron: Angel Investor
Koellner, Ed: Senior Attorney, USAA
Mainker, Praful: Executive Director of Data Science and Risk Mgmt, JPMorgan Chase
Maxwell, A.J.: Senior Manager, Deloitte
Minnis, Matt: Venture Capitalist, Co-founder of Core Scientific, Blockcap, Pledge
Sinnott, Jeff: President and CEO, Vantage Bank