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How do I set up my TCU username and password?
Create your TCU username and password at Be sure to set up your password reset information at

How do I set up my TCU email?
Your TCU email is created when you set up your TCU user account. Your TCU email address consists of your TCU username with periods separating the parts of your name, followed by

When should I start checking my email?
Immediately. Your TCU email address is the university’s main point of communication with you once you become a student. Only during the summer before you enter TCU will we send information to the email address provided on your application. After that, all correspondence will be through your TCU email.

How do I access my TCU email?
Your email can be accessed using Office 365 or other applications. Read more.

How can I access free Office 365 software?
Office 365 is available to all incoming students free of charge at and logging in with your TCU credentials. More detailed information can be found here.

Are laptops required? 
You will need to own or have access to a laptop for use in classrooms and team meeting rooms. Your laptop should support Windows 8.1 or Windows 10.

What about a Mac?
Since most students entering TCU Neeley use PCs and our equipment is geared to the Windows environment, we recommend a Windows-based system. If you are using a Mac, you must configure to prevent issues using TCU Neeley equipment or sharing data with classmates. You must also purchase a video adapter to use the Mac for presentations in any of the classrooms/conference rooms.

Where do most TCU MBAs live?
TCU MBAs live throughout the DFW Metroplex and many live near campus. If you live some distance away from campus, be aware that multiple activities and events happen during the evenings and on weekends.
How do I update my contact information?
If you are relocating, you can update your contact information on your TCU records at
What should I do before arriving on campus?
Complete your pre-enrollment academic modules and career preparation assignments. Check for upcoming events.

What is the graduate business honor code?

Graduate students in the Neeley School of Business have established this code for the primary purpose of instilling pride, integrity, and honor in the Master of Business Administration and Professional Program in Accounting/Master of Accounting programs. It has also been established to provide the student body: a.) an avenue in which to turn when the unfortunate incident of academic dishonesty occurs; b.) an active role in strengthening the integrity and reputation of the TCU MBA and MAc degrees; c.) and protection and due process. The Honor Code Committee will investigate allegations regarding academic integrity and dishonesty, repair damaged reputations, and build awareness of the Code's importance.

Download a copy of the Honor Code here.

Are there student organizations I can join?
Eleven graduate business student organizations exist to support the professional development of students across TCU's MBA and MS programs. Through student organization involvement, students gain access to skills development workshops, career boot camps, professional networking opportunities, case competitions, company events and more.

Each September, a Student Org Fair provides a forum for student organization leaders to recruit new members and discuss plans for the coming academic year. To be added to the distribution list for a graduate business student organization at any point throughout the year, please contact the club's president through the TCU Engage website. There are no membership fees associated with these organizations, which are supported financially by the Graduate Programs office.

In addition, the MBA Association (MBAA) is in place to help TCU MBA students maximize the value of their education. MBAA officers are elected each year and provide leadership over specific aspects of the graduate school experience. The MBAA encourages participation in the education process for all students and partners closely with the Neeley School administration to represent the needs and concerns of students.

For more information, contact Anne Rooney, Executive Director, Graduate Programs (

Full-time Program

What is orientation?
Orientation is an intensive three-week experience designed to help full-time students get to know their classmates, professors and team, and prepare for academic success. It culminates in a case competition for a DFW area company.
What do I need to do before orientation?
  • Refresh your Excel and PowerPoint skills. Optional online modules will be available over the summer. These skills will come in handy in orientation and throughout your time as a student.
  • Make sure you have business attire. You will need business professional attire for the first night of orientation.
What is the attire for orientation, classes and other events?
Attire for orientation and classes is business casual. There are many events throughout the semester where business professional attire is expected.
  • For men, business professional means a business suit with a button-down shirt and tie. Business casual means a button-down dress shirt and dress slacks.
  • For women, business professional means a pantsuit or skirt suit with a button-down shirt or blouse. Business casual means slacks or skirt with a blouse, or a dress.
When are team assignments communicated?
Team assignments will be revealed during the first week of orientation. These are the people you will work with throughout the fall semester.
What is the case competition in orientation like?
Your team will make recommendations related to a real-time business problem for a corporate client. During the final week of orientation, you will receive the case and guidance on how to approach the problem. You will present your recommendations to an audience of alumni and employers.
Who do I contact with questions about orientation?
TCU Neeley Graduate Admissions

When do I enroll in fall classes?
On the first full day of START Workshop, you will be guided through the process of enrolling for your fall classes. You will have one elective choice to make for your first semester. 
What are the professors and classroom expectations like?
Most faculty members use the flipped classroom concept, where all readings and lectures are moved outside of the classroom. Class time is reserved for robust discussion. Be sure you come prepared to each class.
When do I need to decide on a degree concentration?
Most students have a pre-planned direction when deciding to return to business school. It is best to decide on your concentration as early as possible. You will have the opportunity to learn more about TCU MBA concentrations and career paths during the summer webinar series and workshops, and a career class during the early fall. Contact TCU Neeley Graduate Career Services to talk with someone.

What leadership opportunities exist during the first semester?
During the first week of fall classes, your class will elect a class representative to represent your cohort to faculty and staff throughout the first semester. Most student organizations will also choose first-year student representatives early in the fall. These individuals have a unique opportunity to learn from current officers while providing a valuable perspective.

More leadership opportunities will open up in the spring – MBA Association Leadership, Career Ambassadors, Neeley LEAD Facilitators, etc. – and your fall semester will prepare you for these opportunities through coaching, feedback, and programming focused on leadership development, beginning with START Workshop.

How much time do full-time MBA students spend together outside of class?
It varies. Some students study together outside of the classroom. Others have family commitments and prefer to study at home. Some meet for evening/weekend social events, and others prefer to use that time to recharge. At the very least, you will work on group assignments several hours during the week outside of the classroom, and each team decides on a schedule that works best for their members.

How much interaction is there between first- and second-year MBA students?
Second-year students are more than willing to connect with you and answer any questions you may have.

  • First Semester: Each first-year TCU MBA is matched with a second-year TCU MBA mentor. You can also interact with second-year TCU MBAs at national MBA career fairs, in student organizations, as part of case competitions, at C-Level Confidential dinners, and at football tailgates.
  • Second Semester: You will interact with second-year TCU MBAs in elective classes as well as through participation in Neeley & Associates Consultants.

What should I expect from my second-year mentor?
Your mentor will be assigned based on your career interests and background, with the goal of connecting you to someone with common interests. Your second-year mentor will serve as a resource to help ease your transition back to school and throughout your first semester.

What student organizations can I connect with?
Connect with classmates who share your interests through a variety of clubs and organizations:

Is it possible to work part time during the first semester of the Full-time program?
No. Based on courses, assignments, career and experiential learning activities, and family/friend commitments, you will not have time to work during the fall semester. Depending on your schedule in the spring, you may have the opportunity to work part time.

How can I get my spouse/significant other connected with others in the area?
Your significant other will be invited to an event during START Workshop to get to know each other and learn more about the TCU MBA experience in a casual and friendly environment. Significant others often form their own social group. We also welcome significant others to many social events including MBA football tailgates.