Building for the future.

The Center for Real Estate Board of Advisors includes some of the best, brightest and most successful leaders in the real estate industry. Their real-world experience and insight provide guidance and expertise, preparing the next generation of leaders for this ever-evolving industry.

Executive Council

Photo: Jason Anderson

Jason Anderson

Crescent Real Estate LLC

Photo: Scott Arnoldy

Scott Arnoldy

Triten Real Estate Partners

Photo: Mike Berry

Mike Berry

Hillwood Development

Photo: Andy Cates

Andy Cates

Value Acquisition Fund

Photo: Chad Cook

Chad Cook

Quadrant Capital

Photo: Mark Cundiff

Mark Cundiff

Southside Bank

Photo: Chris Ellis

Chris Ellis

Endeavor Real Estate Group

Photo: Christan Fuqua

Christan Fuqua

Creekside Nursery

Photo: Bryan Harlan

Bryan Harlan

Clover Capital Partners


Andrew Hendricks

DR Horton

Photo: David Hendricks

David Hendricks


Photo: Joel Heydenburk

Joel Heydenburk

Real Estate Council of Greater Fort Worth

Photo: Drew Kile

Drew Kile

Institutional Property Advisors

Photo: Nelson Knight

Nelson Knight

Apple Hospitality REIT

Photo: Allison Lyles

Allison Lyles


Photo: Blake Magee

Blake Magee

Blake Magee Company

Photo: Bob McClain

Bob McClain

Crow Holdings Capital

Photo: Kenton McKeehan

Kenton McKeehan

Big V

Photo: Topher Merrill

Topher Merrill

Harrison Street


Andy Mitchell


Photo: Terry Montesi

Terry Montesi

Trademark Property Company

Photo: Bill Newsome

Bill Newsome

Newsome Development


Jeff Patman

Capital Title

Photo: Jon Pharris

Jon Pharris


Photo: Travis Roberts

Travis Roberts

University Partners

Photo: Mauricio Rodriguez

Mauricio Rodriguez

TCU Neeley School of Business


Stephen Schneidau

Cushman and Wakefield

Photo: Ryan Smith

Ryan Smith

Agarita Management Company

Photo: Jeff Staubach

Jeff Staubach

Staubach Capital

Photo: Jody Thornton

Jody Thornton


Photo: Cary Tremper

Cary Tremper

Tremper Capital Group

Photo: Jonathan Varni

Jonathan Varni

Foundry Capital

Advisory Committee


Atila Ali

Commerce Bank

Photo: Stephen Bailey

Stephen Bailey



Fritz Barton, III

The Shelter Company

Photo: Thomas Beier

Thomas Beier

Pennybacker Capital

Photo: Blake Brown

Blake Brown

Heritage Title Company of Austin

Photo: Josh Clary

Josh Clary

Montgomery Street Partners

Photo: Tanner Davidson

Tanner Davidson

D.R. Horton, Inc.


Craig Davis

Veritex Community Bank

Photo: Jessica Essl

Jessica Essl

M2G Ventures

Photo: Dan Frey

Dan Frey

Endeavor RE


Chris Gainey

Marcus & Millichap

Photo: Dan Grable

Dan Grable

Goodman North American

Photo: Susan Gruppi

Susan Gruppi

M2G Ventures

Photo: Chris Guice

Chris Guice

Austin Commercial

Photo: Phillip Halliday

Phillip Halliday

Shop Companies

Photo: Jessica Hansen

Jessica Hansen

D.R. Horton, Inc.

Photo: Dak Hatfield

Dak Hatfield

Hatfield Advisors

Photo: Jason Hauck

Jason Hauck

Morgan Group

Photo: James Hendricks

James Hendricks

Retired, Clarion Partners

Photo: Sarah Jackson

Sarah Jackson

Veritex Community Bank

Photo: Glenn Karp

Glenn Karp

Chandler Capital Investments

Photo: Ben Loughry

Ben Loughry

Overwatch Fund

Photo: Edward Manuel

Edward Manuel


Photo: Mart Martindale

Mart Martindale

Edge Capital Markets

Photo: Charles Merdian

Charles Merdian

LGI Homes

Photo: Matt Mildren

Matt Mildren

TUG Hill Real Estate Partners

Photo: Jim Mosby

Jim Mosby

Cushman & Wakefield

Photo: Martin Noto

Martin Noto

Ciera Bank

Photo: Steve Oden

Steve Oden

OHT Partners


Kyle Poulson


Photo: Chris Powers

Chris Powers

Fort Capital


Drew Shields

Granite REIT


Steve Shields

Transportation Property Company

Photo: Jared Shope

Jared Shope

2SP Partners LLC

Photo: Richard Stuart II

Richard Stuart II

2SP Partners LLC

Photo: Andy Thelen

Andy Thelen

The Criterion Fund

Photo: Colleen Thelen

Colleen Thelen

CT Development Consulting

Photo: Don Thomas

Don Thomas


Photo: John Wilson

John Wilson

Republic Title of Texas, Inc.

Photo: Nathan Wynne

Nathan Wynne