Get a head start on your college and professional career, taking college level classes and experiencing a taste of college life during a week-long period in the summer.

Accelerated Career Awareness Program (ACAP)
Attend classes on careers in accounting and business, personal development and college preparation. Part of a partnership with NABA Inc.

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Neeley Analytics Academy
Hands-on opportunities to learn and hone your skills in data analytics and market research, learning how to use data to assess a business’s performance and improve profitability. Hosted by the Neeley Analytics Initiative.

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Business Technology Camp
Focus on evolving technologies and get a glimpse into future career paths in supply chain, from artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to geographic mapping and automated vehicles. Hosted by the Center for Supply Chain Innovation.

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High School Investor Challenge
Take a week of finance classes and then, throughout the fall and spring, manage a $100,000 virtual stock portfolio. Hosted by the Luther King Capital Management Center for Financial Studies.

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