Transform Your Future with TCU Neeley's Dual Degree Programs

Amplify your career potential with a dual degree that combines the power of an MBA with specialized knowledge in education, medicine, divinity or physics.

Why Choose a Dual Degree?

Accelerated Learning
Earn two advanced degrees in less time than pursuing them separately.
Career Versatility
Open doors to a wider range of career opportunities and leadership roles.
Interdisciplinary Expertise
Develop a unique skill set that sets you apart in the job market.
Network Expansion
Connect with diverse professionals across multiple industries.
Return on Investment
Maximize your educational investment with two valuable degrees.

Dual Degree Options

Partner: TCU College of Education

  • Lead educational institutions with strategic business insights.
  • Drive innovation in curriculum development and educational policy.
  • Excel in roles such as school superintendent, university administrator or educational consultant.

Admission Requirements

  • Apply and gain admission to the Neeley School of Business at TCU.
  • Once accepted, apply to the EdD or PhD portion of the degree.
  • Consult with program faculty in both Neeley and the College of Education before applying.

Degree Requirements

  • Minimum 66 hours of doctoral-level coursework (including fieldwork and dissertation)
  • 28.5 hours of MBA core requirements
  • Completion of START Workshop and Professional Development Program
  • Maintain a B average throughout the program

Partner: The Burnett School of Medicine at TCU

  • Lead health care organizations with a deep understanding of both medical and business challenges
  • Drive innovation in health care delivery and policy
  • Excel in roles such as hospital administrator, health care entrepreneur or pharmaceutical executive

Admission Requirements

  • For applicants to TCU's Burnett School of Medicine: Apply to both programs simultaneously.
  • For current first or second-year TCU medical students: Apply with approval from Burnett.

Degree Requirements

  • Participation in a Business Boot Camp (December)
  • 36 hours from the Neeley School of Business
  • 6 credit hours from the Burnett School of Medicine

Partner: Brite Divinity School

  • Lead religious institutions with sound business practices.
  • Drive social impact in nonprofit organizations.
  • Excel in roles such as church administrator, nonprofit executive or faith-based organizational leader.

Admission Requirements

  • Gain admission to both Neeley's MBA program and the chosen Brite Divinity program before taking classes.

Degree Requirements

  • Participation in START Workshop (August)
  • MATM/MBA and MTS/MBA: 33 credit hours from Neeley, 39-40 credit hours from Brite
  • MDiv/MBA: 33 credit hours from Neeley, 69 hours from Brite

Partner: TCU Department of Physics

  • Bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and commercial applications.
  • Lead research and development departments with both scientific expertise and business acumen.
  • Excel in roles such as chief scientific officer, technology transfer specialist or science-focused entrepreneur.

Admission Requirements

  • Complete four years of graduate studies in the PhD in Physics program
  • Demonstrate sufficient progress in research
  • Submit a written request to the Department of Physics & Astronomy

Degree Requirements

  • 18 hours of MBA coursework over two consecutive semesters
  • Participation in START Workshop
  • Completion of PhD in Physics requirements

The process for students interested in the MBA/EdD in Educational Leadership is as follows. First, they must apply and be admitted to the Neeley School of Business at TCU. This is a prerequisite for being considered for admission to the College of Education. Students should contact the director of admissions for requirements and deadlines for the Neeley School of Business. Once accepted, students must also apply and be accepted to the EdD portion of the degree to participate in the joint degree program.

Students considering the MBA/PhD program are strongly advised to consult with program faculty in both Neeley and the College of Education. This step is crucial as it helps students determine whether the joint program aligns with their professional goals before applying. Once they have made an informed decision, they will follow a similar process by applying to and being admitted to the Neeley School of Business at TCU before being considered for admission to the College of Education.

Brite Divinity School and Texas Christian University have joined to offer students the opportunity to earn master's degrees from each institution. These programs allow students to integrate advanced learning across professional fields and prepare to serve in various ministerial settings and non-profit organizations.

These programs help graduates apply managerial, financial, operational and marketing skills and diverse theological fields of study and practice to religious and non-profit organizations and bi-vocational careers. Students should contact the director of admissions for requirements and deadlines for the Neeley School of Business.

Candidates must be admitted to Neeley's MBA program and Brite's Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry (MATM), Master of Theological Studies (MTS) or Master of Divinity (MDiv) programs before taking classes.

The PhD in Physics is also available with a business option. Students entering the PhD program with a BS usually are expected to complete the PhD requirements within five years. At the end of the fourth year of graduate studies, a candidate for the PhD in Physics who has demonstrated sufficient progress in research (dissertation), may submit a written request to the Department of Physics & Astronomy for admission to this program.

If there is a clear indication that the student can reasonably be expected to complete all the requirements for the PhD within five years, permission will be granted to apply to the director of admissions of the MBA Program of the Neeley School of Business. During the fifth year, the student is expected to continue with the dissertation on a reduced scale and perform designated departmental teaching duties if on a departmental assistantship.

Prospective candidates for the PhD in Physics or the PhD with Business Option should note that the maximum term of fellowship or assistantship support through the Department of Physics & Astronomy is five years, and support for MBA courses from the TCU Department of Physics and Astronomy fellowships or assistantship is limited to 18 hours. Financial support for additional hours required to complete the MBA degree would be the student's responsibility; students would be eligible to apply for financial aid for the second year of MBA study from the Neeley School of Business.

1. Provisional admission for applicants to TCU's Burnett School of Medicine: These students should contact the director of admissions for requirements and deadlines for the PMBA application, indicating that they are also applying to Burnett. MD/MBA admission decisions will be made jointly between Burnett and Neeley, and provisional admission will become final after Burnett approves the student after their first year of successful study at the medical school.

2. Admission for first or second-year TCU medical students: Upon approval and endorsement of Burnett, any first or second-year student may apply for admission to the dual MBA program by following the standard PMBA application procedure. These admission decisions will be either provisional or final depending upon the endorsement of Burnett (e.g., how far along the student is in their medical studies to give Burnett a good idea as to whether the student can handle the added course load and the extra year of study).

The MBA/PhD in Educational Studies: Educational Leadership requires a minimum of 66 hours of doctoral-level coursework (including fieldwork and dissertation) and MBA requirements. Students must meet all core requirements listed below and complete the START Workshop. They must also meet all 28.5 hours of core requirements listed below and attend designated orientation and the Professional Development Program. If a student elects to complete the MBA without continuing into the doctoral program, they must meet all remaining requirements for the MBA (i.e., elective units in the School of Business). If a student's work is unsatisfactory in MBA courses, and they are not permitted to continue, they will not be permitted to commence the PhD portion of the degree. Throughout the program, students must maintain a B average.

See the Curriculum

The EdD in Higher Education Leadership is a 54-hour program combining a common core, inquiry courses, a cognate area, practical experience and a capstone project. Students must also meet all 36 hours of core requirements as listed below, the START Workshop and the Professional Development Program. After the first year of the MBA program, students may elect to begin taking coursework in the EdD program. After completing 42 hours in the College of Education, the student schedules comprehensive examinations (see the Graduate Studies in Educational Leadership Policies & Procedures Handbook for complete details). The student will be admitted to candidacy after completing the comprehensive exams and successfully defending the capstone or dissertation proposal.

See the Curriculum

If a student elects to complete the MBA without continuing into the doctoral program, they must meet all remaining requirements for the MBA (i.e., 18 elective units in the Neeley School of Business). If a student's work is unsatisfactory in MBA courses, and they are not permitted to continue, they may not be permitted to commence the EdD program. If a student's work is unsatisfactory in MBA courses and is not permitted to continue, they may not be permitted to commence the doctoral program. Throughout the program, students must maintain a B average. At the completion of coursework, students will take written and oral comprehensives before proceeding into the dissertation stage.

Before taking any business courses, the candidate must participate in a Boot camp held in December. This one to two-week intensive course will cover Accounting, Finance, Management and related business concepts tailored to healthcare professionals without business training. MD-MBA is 36 hours from the Neeley School of Business and 6 credit hours from the Burnett School of Medicine. Students with prior business degrees or experience can opt out of the Business Camp.

Before taking any business courses, the candidate must participate in a START Workshop held every August. If a student elects to complete only one degree after having been admitted to both programs, previously allowed course substitutions will be honored, and they must then meet all remaining requirements at the degree-granting institution.

Brite's Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry (MATM)/MBA and Master of Theological Studies (MTS)/ MBA degrees require 33 credit hours from the Neeley School of Business and 39-40 credit hours from Brite Divinity School. Students will transfer nine hours of coursework completed at the Neeley School of Business to meet elective hours toward the MATM and MTS degrees programs. The Master of Divinity/MBA requires 33 credit hours from the Neeley School of Business and 69 hours from Brite Divinity School. Students will transfer twelve hours of coursework toward electives in the MDiv program. The full-time MBA program will be completed in 3 semesters.

In addition to the coursework, qualifying examinations and dissertation requirements specified for the PhD degree in Physics, the student will satisfy the following conditions specified by the Neeley School of Business:

Students electing to take the business option will take the 18 hours of MBA coursework over two consecutive semesters (entering in the fall and finishing in the spring semesters).

Students must attend the START Workshop, conducted by the Neeley School, just before the start of the fall semester. Students are assessed a fee for the workshop.

The Neeley School will accept the results of the GRE.

The director of admissions has sole authority to admit physics PhD candidates to the MBA program (whether they seek the MBA degree or the option).

Under the assumption that the students come to the program with a good background in statistics, they would take the following courses (course list subject to change):

See the Curriculum

Students who wish to continue their studies in the program after their first year of business courses and pursue the MBA degree:

With the approval of the MBA program director, one will be permitted to transfer for credit hours of 60000- or 70000-level graduate physics coursework. The transfer will be approved for a graduate-level course that is equivalent to DESC Statistics and other 60000- or 70000-level coursework taken in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

The student will be required to complete such additional coursework as is required of other MBA students and as is provided in the applicable TCU Graduate Studies Catalog. The student will work closely with the academic program director to plan their schedule.

The MBA/PhD in Educational Studies: Educational Leadership requires a minimum of 66 hours of doctoral-level coursework (including fieldwork and dissertation) and MBA requirements. Students must meet all core requirements listed below and complete the designed orientation. They must also meet all 28.5 hours of core requirements listed below and attend designated orientation and the Professional Development Program. If a student elects to complete the MBA without continuing into the doctoral program, they must meet all remaining requirements for the MBA (i.e., elective units in the School of Business). If a student's work is unsatisfactory in MBA courses, and they are not permitted to continue, they will not be permitted to commence the PhD portion of the degree. Throughout the program, students must maintain a B average.

See the Curriculum

The EdD in Higher Education Leadership is a 54-hour program combining a common core, inquiry courses, a cognate area, practical experience and a capstone project. Students must also meet all 36 hours of core requirements as listed below and attend designated orientation and the Professional Development Program. After the first year of the MBA program, students may elect to begin taking coursework in the EdD program. After completing 42 hours in the College of Education, the student schedules comprehensive examinations (see the Graduate Studies in Educational Leadership Policies & Procedures Handbook for complete details). The student will be admitted to candidacy after completing the comprehensive exams and successfully defending the capstone or dissertation proposal.

If a student elects to complete the MBA without continuing into the doctoral program, they must meet all remaining requirements for the MBA (i.e., 18 elective units in the Neeley School of Business). If a student's work is unsatisfactory in MBA courses, and they are not permitted to continue, they may not be permitted to commence the EdD program. If a student's work is unsatisfactory in MBA courses and is not permitted to continue, they may not be permitted to commence the doctoral program. Throughout the program, students must maintain a B average. At the completion of coursework, students will take written and oral comprehensives before proceeding into the dissertation stage.

Before taking any business courses, the candidate must participate in a START Workshop held every August. If a student elects to complete only one degree after having been admitted to both programs, previously allowed course substitutions will be honored, and they must then meet all remaining requirements at the degree-granting institution.

Brite's Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry (MATM)/MBA and Master of Theological Studies (MTS)/ MBA degrees require 33 credit hours from the Neeley School of Business and 39-40 credit hours from Brite Divinity School. Students will transfer nine hours of coursework completed at the Neeley School of Business to meet elective hours toward the MATM and MTS degrees programs. The Master of Divinity/MBA requires 33 credit hours from the Neeley School of Business and 69 hours from Brite Divinity School. Students will transfer twelve hours of coursework toward electives in the MDiv program. The professional MBA program typically requires six semesters.