Section Image: Group of TCU Students on Neeley fountain

Poets&Quants Names TCU Neeley Among Top 5 Undergraduate Business Schools for Academic Experience

The TCU Neeley School of Business remains competitive across multiple categories in the 2025 ranking announcement by Poets&Quants, the largest news website in the world for coverage of business schools.

March 17, 2025

By TCU Neeley School of Business

In the recent announcement of the Poets&Quants Best Business Schools of 2025, the TCU Neeley School of Business entered the Top 5 for the best undergraduate academic experiences, and remains highly ranked as the No. 28 business school overall in the nation. 

Poets&Quants Best Undergraduate LogoIn the best academic experience category, TCU Neeley improved three spots to No. 5 in the United States and continues to be the top school in Texas.  

“I am impressed by the talents and expertise of our world-class faculty and staff, who elevate our student experience through their ground-breaking research, industry knowledge, and the innovation they bring to the classroom,” said Craig Crossland, the John V. Roach Dean of the TCU Neeley School of Business. 

“Neeley’s investment in students is showcased in the many opportunities to apply classroom knowledge to the real world through experiences available through the centers and institutes, pathways of distinction programs, internships and study abroad program,” Crossland said. 

The biggest test of a program’s quality, according to Poets&Quants, is whether a graduate would recommend the school to others. In the survey responses, they highlighted two questions that “get to the heart of an alumni’s overall satisfaction” with their business program - 1) Would you recommend your business program to a close friend, colleague, or family member interested in an undergraduate business degree, and 2) Evaluate how well the business program prepared you for the world of work.

On a 10-point scale, alumni rated TCU Neeley at 9.9 in response to those questions. 

Group of TCU students on Neeley fountain

“I was a member of the BNSF Neeley Leadership program which provided me extracurricular learning and development, professional coaching, post-graduation preparedness, and feedback oriented at preparing me for post-graduation opportunities. This was an unbelievable experience and helped prepare me for the current position I’m in in addition to preparing me to thrive in future positions,” said a TCU Neeley alumnus in the Poets&Quants survey. 

Another graduate said, “TCU is the best place on earth and Neeley is a big reason why.”

Poets&Quants for Undergrads is the largest news website in the world for coverage on business schools. The publication evaluated undergraduate business schools based on the quality of incoming students, satisfaction of academic and program offerings, alumni experience, job placement and career outcomes.  Recent graduates from more than 90 business schools were surveyed as part of the evaluation process.

View the full list of 2025 Poets&Quants for Undergrads