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Thomas Allison Explores Passion, Preparedness Perceptions with Vocal Expressions in Crowdfunding Pitches

TCU Neeley Research Highlight - Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Thomas Allison alongside other experts share research insights with industry and academic leaders.

May 31, 2024

TCU Neeley’s Thomas Allison, undertook research on entrepreneurs' vocal expressions in crowdfunding videos and how they significantly influence funders' perceptions. High-arousal expressions increase perceived passion, while other signals make entrepreneurs seem more prepared. This was demonstrated through experiments and analysis of real-world pitches. (Journal of Business Venturing, 2022).


The voice is often the only continuous channel of expression in pitch videos. We isolate the influence of entrepreneurs' vocal expressions on funding by examining how valence (positivity/negativity) and arousal (activation) shape funders' perceptions of passion and preparedness. We show that an entrepreneur's high-arousal vocal expressions, whether positive or negative, increase perceptions of their passion. Entrepreneurs are perceived as more prepared when the valence and arousal of their vocal expressions are congruent. We test our hypotheses in the context of rewards-based crowdfunding, using both an experiment and a speech affect analysis of real-world crowdfunding pitches.

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Photo: Thomas Allison

Thomas Allison

Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department

Neeley 3357