Thursday, June 12
8:45 - 9:00 am |
Welcome: Conference Chair Audra Boone (TCU) |
9:00 - 10:20 am |
Session 1 JCF Special Issue Session
Chair: Kam-Ming Wan (Hanken)
Shareholder Empowerment and Ownership Structure in a Free-contracting Environment
Mike Burkart, Salvatore Miglietta, and Charlotte Ostergaard
Discussant: John Barry (Rice)
When Trust Breaks: Academic Misconduct, Innovation Networks, and Capital Discrimination
Jianxiang Hou, Kebin Wang, and Tian Wu
Discussant: Tracy Wang (Minnesota)
The Firm as a Knowledge Aggregator
Jiasun Li
Discussant: Simona Abis (Colorado)
10:40 am - 12:00 pm |
Session 2 (Two Concurrent Sessions) |
Session 2A
Chair: Kristine Hankins (Kentucky)
The Consequences of Index Investing on Managerial Incentives
George Nurisso
Discussand: Alberto Manconi (Bocconi)
The Economics of Investor Engagement
Davidson Heath, Daniele Macciocchi, and Matthew Ringgenbert
Discussant: Ian Appel (UVA)
Value-Destroying Activism
Dongliang Lu
Discussant: Paul Voss (HEC Paris)
Session 2B
Chair: Morten Bennedsen
Beyond ESG: Executive Pay Metrics and Shareholder Support
Nickolay Gantchev, Mariassunta Giannetti, and Marcus Hober
Discussant: Sterling Huang (NYU Shanghai)
On a Spending Spree: The Real Effects of Heuristics in Managerial Budgets
Paul Decaire and Denis Sosyura
Discussant: Oliver Dessaint (INSEAD)
Race, Gender, and Employee Turnover: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions
Rui Dai, Tingting Liu, and Cong Roman Wang
Discussant: Merih Sevilir (ESMT)
12:00-1:30 pm |
Keynote: Mike Ewens (Columbia) |
1:30 - 2:50 pm |
Session 3 (Two Concurrent Sessions) |
Session 3A
Chair: Tony Cookson (Colorado)
Collateralized Loan Obligations as Fire-Sale Insulation
Will Diamond, Luigi Falasconi, and Clara Xu
Discussant: Cecilia Parlatore (NYU)
Banking on Deposit Relationships: Implications for Hold-Up Problems in the Loan Market
Jin Cao, Emilia Garcia-Appendini, and Cédric Huylebroek
Discussant: Heitor Almeida (UIUC)
Data as Collateral: Open Banking for Small Business Lending
Tong Yu
Discussant: Adriano Rampini (Duke)
Session 3B
Chair: Milena Petrova (Bocconi/Syracuse)
Contract Rigidity in Municipal Financing and Monetary Policy Transmission to the Real Economy
Igor Cunha and Michael Varley
Discussant: Ryan Israelsen (Michigan State)
Kamikazes in Public Procurements: Bid-rigging and Real Non-market Outcomes
Dimas Fazio and Alminas Zaldokas
Discussant: Martin Schmalz (Oxford)
Financial Innovation, Investor ESG Preferences, and the Cost of Public Financing
Daniel Garrett, Brian Gibbons, and Mahdi Shahrabi
Discussant: Igor Cunha (Kentucky)
3:10 - 4:25 pm |
Panel 1: Collateralizing Intangible Assets |
Jason Donaldson (USC), Jan Eberly (Northwestern), Giorgia Piacentino (USC), and Adriano Rampini (Duke) |
9:00 - 10:20 am |
Session 4: JCF Special Issue Session
Chair: Simi Kedia (Rutgers)
Insider Trading with Options
Matteo Vacca
Discussant: Pat Akey (INSEAD)
The Real Cost of Readability: Market and Real Efficiency in the Age of Machine Reading
Wei Li, Yun Shi, and Shijie Zeng
Discussant: Nicola Limodio (Bocconi)
The Bright Side of Regulatory Fragmentation: Evidence from Stock Price Crash Risk
Ming Gu, Dongxu Li, and Zhitao Xiong
Discussant: Philip Valta (Bern)
10:20 - 10:45 am |
Coffee Break |
10:45 am - 12:00 pm |
Panel 2: The Changing Information Environment |
Tony Cookson (Colorado), Laurent Fresard (USI, SFI), and Ryan Israelsen (Michigan State) |
12:00 - 1:00 pm |
Lunch |
1:00-2:00 pm |
Session 5 (Two Concurrent Sessions) |
Session 5A
Chair: Heitor Almeida (UIUC)
Contract Completeness of Company Bylaws and Entrepreneurial Success
Paul Beaumon, Johan Hombert, and Adrien Matray
Discussant: Bo Bian (University of British Columbia)
How Do Venture Capitalists (Actually) Make Decisions? Internal Evidence from a Private Start-up Accelerator
Tristan Fitzgerald and Korok Ray
Discussant: Juanita Gonzalez-Uribe (London School of Economics)
Revolving Credit to SMEs: The Role of Business Credit Cards
Matteo Benetton and Greg Buchak
Discussant: Matt Denes (Carnegie Mellon)
Session 5B
Chair: Alminas Zaldokas (NUS)
Borrowers in the Shadows: The Promise and Pitfalls of Alternative Credit Data
Mark Jansen, Sam Kruger, Gonzalo Maturana, and Amin Shams
Discussant: Erik Mayer (Wisconsin)
Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains: Evidence from Conflict Minerals Disclosure
Jiaying Li, Samuel Piotrowski, and Karin Thorburn
Discussant: Hannes Wagner (Bocconi)
Beyond the Fundamentals: How Media-Driven Narratives Influence Cross-Border Capital Flows
Wentong Chen, Isha Agarwal, and Eswar Prasad
Discussant: Shimon Kogan (Reichman / Wharton)