What's New

Suzanne Carter addresses students in a classroom

Poets&Quants Names TCU Leader Merianne Roth Among 2024 Best and Brightest Executive MBAs

In addition to being a recent graduate of the TCU Neeley School of Business Executive MBA program, Merianne Roth earned a promotion and now serves as TCU’s Vice Chancellor of Marketing & Communication. Her journey, filled with determination, integrity, and support from her family and colleagues, has earned her a spot in the Poets&Quants 2024 Best and Brightest Executive MBAs.

August 09, 2024

Laura Miller, Rosa Navejar and Amy Phipps in the Hays Banquet Hall addressing the audience.

Women in the Workplace Panelists Celebrate Women’s History Month, International Women’s Day

The inaugural event included a distinguished panel of business leaders who shared inspiring stories and provided expert, professional advice on being high-achieving executives, entrepreneurs and women.

March 18, 2024

Roach Family Plaza

Neeley EMBA Alumna Pioneers Change as Highest Ranked Black Woman in the History of Fort Worth Police Department

Monica Martin serves as an executive leader, who expanded her knowledge of strategic planning, operations management and global perspectives while studying with her cohort to earn her Executive MBA at the Neeley School of Business.

February 29, 2024

Tim and Terrance Maiden with host David Russell in the Shaddock Auditorium

Black History in the Making: TCU Alumni Terrence and Tim Maiden Connect Lessons in Football to Business Success and Hometown Philanthropy

In the most recent installment of the Against All Odds speaker series, produced by the TCU Neeley Office of Inclusive Excellence, the Maiden twins shared personal experiences of breaking barriers with an audience of students, alumni and business leaders.

February 21, 2024

Roach Family plaza

David Allen Promoted to Senior Associate Dean at the Neeley School of Business

Allen has been Associate Dean of Graduate Programs since 2017, and will begin his new appointment February 1.

January 05, 2023

Gregg Lehman and the EMBA class celebrate the win of fellow Horned Frog Newy Scruggs.

Executive MBA Students Celebrate Television Emmy Award with Classmate Newy Scruggs

Scruggs added two more Emmy Awards to his list of honors as a sports anchor and reporter.

October 01, 2022

TCU Executive MBA Jesus Dominguez Receives Texas Business Hall of Fame Award for Innovation

TCU Executive MBA Jesus Dominguez Receives Texas Business Hall of Fame Award for Innovation

Dominguez guided his company through one of its toughest challenges – the pandemic. Fueled by innovation, he adapted his leadership approach to overcome adversity, making him the clear choice for the 2022 Brett Wiggs Innovative Leadership Award.

July 18, 2022

Going Virtual: Adapting Our Hands-on Negotiations Course to the Pandemic

Going Virtual: Adapting Our Hands-on Negotiations Course to the Pandemic

Our courses aren’t exactly sit-and-listen here at TCU Neeley. In fact, the negotiations course in our EMBA program has a reputation for being downright aggressive. Dr. Rita Kosnik, who has taught the course since the program’s inception, is well-loved for her high energy and unconventional methods.

December 13, 2021

Diversity drawing board

Going Deeper with Diversity: Why It Matters and How to Achieve It

We’ve all heard that diversity is crucial for successful organizations today. But what is diversity, beyond the surface level? How does it benefit your organization? Dr. Tracey Rockett – our professor of management practice who teaches classes about teams, leadership, innovation and more – recently led a webinar answering those questions.

June 29, 2021

TCU Neeley School Welcomes Four New Advisory Board Members

TCU Neeley School Welcomes Four New Advisory Board Members

Shannon D. Fletcher EMBA ’14, Scott Schenkel, Doug Smith BBA ’95 and David Russell BBA ’12 join the distinguished Neeley Board of Advisors.

April 16, 2021

TCU Neeley

Dean Pullin Shares: Top 5 Ways to Attract Talent for the Future

There’s a premium on highly skilled professionals – especially on those capable of innovating change. Even during a pandemic, the most talented candidates have options, and unless your organization is on the forefront, those candidates are going to choose another organization.

October 27, 2020

6 Ways to Earn Your Employer's Support for an MBA Program

6 Ways to Earn Your Employer's Support for an MBA Program

We realize the TCU Neeley Executive MBA program is no small investment, and that’s why we’re constantly working to ensure that you get a return on that investment. But what if you’re asking your employer to make the investment? How can you assure them they’ll get a return?

October 12, 2020

TCU Executive MBAs Featured in Poets & Quants' 100 Best and Brightest Executive MBAs 2020

TCU Executive MBAs Featured in Poets & Quants' 100 Best and Brightest Executive MBAs 2020

Ayotunde Gibbs and Sam Jordan are featured in an exclusive list that honors 100 of the most accomplished EMBAs in the world for their agility, innovation and determination.

July 28, 2020

WATCH: EMBA changed his mind on the family business

WATCH: EMBA changed his mind on the family business

Students in the EMBA program at TCU Neeley often learn new things about themselves as well as the business world. Hear how broader business knowledge and a new global perspective gave 2020 grad Austin Laramore a new passion for innovating his family business.

July 23, 2020

WATCH: Amazing confidence thanks to peer learning

WATCH: Amazing confidence thanks to peer learning

Many EMBA students at TCU Neeley are surprised to find they learn even more from each other than from our globally-recognized faculty and curriculum. Hear our alumni share how the experience of cohort learning gives them very real benefits on the job – and on the job search.

July 10, 2020

WATCH: Alumni share how Neeley makes the EMBA personal

WATCH: Alumni share how Neeley makes the EMBA personal

Journalists, computer techs, cattle ranchers and oil and gas professionals: the students in our Executive MBA program run the gamut. But our faculty, executive coaches and staff work to personalize the experience for each person.

July 01, 2020

EMBA graduates

TCU Executive MBA Continues to Rise in The Economist Rankings to No. 13 in the World, and Still No. 1 in Texas

In the 2020 rankings by The Economist, TCU Executive MBA ranks No. 1 in Texas, No. 1 in the Big 12, and No. 13 in the world.

June 29, 2020

WATCH: Unleash Your Inner Creativity in 20 Minutes

WATCH: Unleash Your Inner Creativity in 20 Minutes

From kindergarten, the conventional education system teaches us to color inside the lines, foregoing creativity in favor of what is considered “correct.”

May 20, 2020

Alumni Panel Video: “The strength and diversity of TCU’s network made an impression on me”

Alumni Panel Video: “The strength and diversity of TCU’s network made an impression on me”

Before you take the dive into our Executive MBA program, you can hear from someone who has already been through it, via the alumni panels at our preview luncheons (currently offered as webinars). Our grads share their real experiences, the surprising things they’ve reaped from the program as well as how they found the time for it.

May 20, 2020

WATCH: Improve Your Negotiation Skills in Less Than an Hour

WATCH: Improve Your Negotiation Skills in Less Than an Hour

Whether it's a multimillion-dollar merger or your child's bedtime, you are making negotiations every day of your life. And knowing how to negotiate effectively can make the difference between two very happy parties and total disaster.

May 07, 2020

Alumni Panel Video: “You come out of the program with a family”

Alumni Panel Video: “You come out of the program with a family”

An Executive MBA program is a significant investment – so you'll certainly want an inside look before jumping in. Our preview luncheons (currently offered as preview webinars) offer just that opportunity, not only through faculty presentations that provide a taste of our courses, but also through a panel of alumni who answer your direct questions about what the program is really like, from time management to return on investment.

May 06, 2020

Making Innovation Personal: Dean Pullin's Executive MBA Course

Making Innovation Personal: Dean Pullin's Executive MBA Course

Daniel Pullin, new dean at the TCU Neeley School of Business, saw great success as dean of the business school at the University of Oklahoma, and himself earned an MBA at Harvard. But he says there’s something special about TCU Neeley.

May 01, 2020

4 Ways to Preview the Program from Out of Town

4 Ways to Preview the Program from Out of Town

The Neeley Executive MBA program has been ranked No. 8 in the nation and No. 18 in the world by The Economist – which is probably why several of our students travel here from outside the DFW Metroplex. One student flew all the way from New Jersey every other week for classes – he said the flight time was actually a great opportunity to get all his homework done.

April 29, 2020

WEBINAR: Experts Discuss COVID-19 and Your Business

WEBINAR: Experts Discuss COVID-19 and Your Business

The pandemic and accompanying shut down are affecting our communities and businesses in more ways than we can imagine, making it difficult to confidently plan a response. However, volatility has always been a rule of the economy, and there are still guiding principles that can inform our decisions.

April 17, 2020

COVID-19 TCU Updates and TCU@Home Virtual Resources for Our Students

COVID-19 TCU Updates and TCU@Home Virtual Resources for Our Students

TCU provides the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 and opportunities to connect through TCU@Home. The page will be updated frequently, so please check back regularly

March 29, 2020

Video Updates from Dean Pullin

Video Updates from Dean Pullin

Today, we venture together into unchartered territory as we adjust to realities of our world tackling the novel coronavirus. 

March 23, 2020

Alumni Panel Recap: “I feel I'm a completely different person”

Alumni Panel Recap: “I feel I'm a completely different person”

Every preview luncheon features a panel of alumni who offer their personal insight into the benefits, challenges and experience of the TCU Neeley Executive MBA program. Here are some of our favorite soundbites from a recent luncheon.

March 19, 2020

Alumni Profiles: The EMBA for an Entrepreneur

Alumni Profiles: The EMBA for an Entrepreneur

There are all types of leaders, with all types of personalities and career goals, and the Executive MBA program offers a personalized experience to fit each of them. 

January 02, 2020

RECAP: Who Really Won at the 2019 Alumni Weekend?

RECAP: Who Really Won at the 2019 Alumni Weekend?

There’s nothing like getting back together every year for laughs, drinks, news and a little friendly competition.

Four events made up the 2019 alumni weekend, and it was great to see representatives from every class since the Neeley Executive MBA program’s founding in 2002. Below is a quick recap in case you were unlucky enough to miss it. 

November 17, 2019

Alumni Profiles: The EMBA for High-Potential Leaders

Alumni Profiles: The EMBA for High-Potential Leaders

There are all types of leaders, with all types of personalities and career goals, and the Executive MBA program offers a personalized experience to fit each of them.

November 05, 2019

Hear from our Coaches: "Success is working ourselves out of a job"

Hear from our Coaches: "Success is working ourselves out of a job"

Leadership coaching is a crucial part of the Neeley Executive MBA program. For a recent preview luncheon, we brought together three of our coaches in a panel to share their insight into the program. 

October 10, 2019

Nicoleta Bugnariu and Victor Duran Melgoza

TCU Executive MBAs Featured in Poets & Quants´ 100 Best and Brightest Executive MBA

Nicoleta Bugnariu and Victor Duran Melgoza are featured in an exclusive list that honors 100 of the most accomplished EMBAs in the world for their spirit, stamina and success.

July 02, 2019

WATCH: Returning to School Opened Up New Opportunities

WATCH: Returning to School Opened Up New Opportunities

Christian Holston was nervous about returning to school, but he knew he needed to round out his tech expertise with business savvy. In this video, he explains how Neeley eases people into the Executive MBA program – and how the program provided immediate results.

May 07, 2019

WATCH: I Now Have the Confidence to Invest in Something New

WATCH: I Now Have the Confidence to Invest in Something New

Chris Davis has an undergrad in engineering – a far cry from finance and strategic planning expertise needed to start or manage a business. In this video, he covers the top ways the Executive MBA program gave him the skills and confidence to become an entrepreneur.

May 02, 2019

WATCH: My Classmates Helped Me Advance My Career

WATCH: My Classmates Helped Me Advance My Career

Steven Kim had a huge job opportunity that would move his entire family across the country – but he’s not a natural risk-taker. In this video, he explains how the diversity and the connectivity of the Executive MBA program helped him make the decision.

April 29, 2019

WATCH: Growing as a Leader – and an Example to My Kids

WATCH: Growing as a Leader – and an Example to My Kids

As a business leader and mother of two, Farah Lawler knows a thing or two about managing chaos. In this video, she shares how the Executive MBA program has helped her become a calm, strategic voice in a volatile world – and how it has impacted her kids.

April 23, 2019

Alumni Profiles: The EMBA as a Career Pivoter

Alumni Profiles: The EMBA as a Career Pivoter

There are all types of leaders, with all types of personalities and career goals, and the Executive MBA program offers a personalized experience to fit each of them.

March 22, 2019

Alumni Profiles: The EMBA as a Career Advancer

Alumni Profiles: The EMBA as a Career Advancer

There are all types of leaders, with all types of personalities and career goals, and the Executive MBA program offers a personalized experience to fit each of them.

February 28, 2019

Shannon Fletcher

Frogging It Forward: Matching Colleagues with TCU Neeley

Shannon Fletcher EMBA ’15 is a walking, talking advertisement for TCU Neeley. Four months after graduating she became the first chief of staff for the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney’s Office.

February 15, 2019

WEBINAR: How Employers Can Benefit from Sponsoring an EMBA

WEBINAR: How Employers Can Benefit from Sponsoring an EMBA

Some organizations are hesitant to invest in graduate education opportunities for employees, concerned that those employees will move elsewhere after expanding their skillsets. In this Dallas Business Journal interview, we discuss how investing in an Executive MBA program can actually improve loyalty, retention and ROI. Featuring Neeley alumni Jarie Bradley and Rodney Shrader, and executive director, Dr. Suzanne Carter.

December 11, 2018

WEBINAR: The Impact of an Executive MBA

WEBINAR: The Impact of an Executive MBA

We discuss the difference between an Executive MBA program and other types of MBA programs - and why it makes sense to pursue an MBA as an executive - in this Dallas Business Journal interview with Neeley alumni Jarie Bradley and Rodney Shrader, and executive director, Dr. Suzanne Carter.

November 13, 2018

4 Real ROI Stories from EMBA Alumni and Current Students

4 Real ROI Stories from EMBA Alumni and Current Students

At Neeley, we know that the EMBA program is no small investment, which is why we want to make sure our students see a significant return on that investment. We’re thrilled to hear countless stories of students putting classroom principles to work in the real world before they even graduate. Here are some of our favorite ROI stories, including a recent success from a current student.

October 24, 2018

3 Major Benefits of our Introductory Seminar

3 Major Benefits of our Introductory Seminar

Entering an Executive MBA program can be stressful. It’s been a long time since you were in school and you’re going to be in class with highly successful people, and that can be intimidating. Most if not all of our students start out feeling a bit of impostor syndrome.

October 02, 2018

Alumni Answer: How does the Executive MBA program create strategic leaders?

Alumni Answer: How does the Executive MBA program create strategic leaders?

You may think you’re just not cut out for big ideas or strategic thinking. You may think your brain just isn’t wired that way. But the Executive MBA program is designed to help you discover and develop those talents – in yourself and in your team. Take it from these alumni. 

August 30, 2018

What We Learned in India, United Arab Emirates and Sweden: 2018 Study Abroad

What We Learned in India, United Arab Emirates and Sweden: 2018 Study Abroad

Diversity is a vital part of the Neeley EMBA program – from diversity of student backgrounds, to the countries we visit in our study abroad trip, to the industries we study in those countries.

August 10, 2018

How to Find the Creativity to Fuel Your Business

How to Find the Creativity to Fuel Your Business

“How many of you are amazingly, astonishingly, spectacularly creative?” asked Ray Smilor, Professor of Professional Practice, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, at the June 6 Preview Luncheon.

July 02, 2018

Alumni Panel Recap: “My transformation began that very first weekend”

Alumni Panel Recap: “My transformation began that very first weekend”

Every preview luncheon features a panel of alumni who offer their personal insight into the benefits, challenges and experience of the TCU Neeley Executive MBA program. Here are some of our favorite soundbites from the June 6 luncheon.

July 02, 2018

Alumni Panel Recap: “I Feel Like a Better Father, Husband and Worker”

Alumni Panel Recap: “I Feel Like a Better Father, Husband and Worker”

Every preview luncheon features a panel of alumni who offer their personal insight into the benefits, challenges and experience of the TCU Neeley Executive MBA program. Here are some of our favorite soundbites from the May 3 luncheon.

May 31, 2018

Alumni Panel Recap: “I have lifelong friends I wouldn’t have had otherwise”

Alumni Panel Recap: “I have lifelong friends I wouldn’t have had otherwise”

Every preview luncheon features a panel of alumni who offer their personal insight into the benefits, challenges and experience of the TCU Neeley Executive MBA program. Here are some of our favorite soundbites from the April 5 luncheon.

April 20, 2018

Alumni Panel Recap: “It’s the best thing you will ever do.”

Alumni Panel Recap: “It’s the best thing you will ever do.”

Every preview luncheon features a panel of alumni who offer their personal insight into the benefits, challenges and experience of the TCU Neeley Executive MBA program. Here are some of our favorite soundbites from the March 7 luncheon.

March 27, 2018

Alumni Panel Recap: “Things Just Start Clicking”

Alumni Panel Recap: “Things Just Start Clicking”

Every preview luncheon features a panel of alumni who offer their personal insight into the benefits, challenges and experience of the TCU Neeley Executive MBA program. Here are some of our favorite soundbites from the January 24 luncheon.

March 05, 2018

8 Ways Amazon Is Changing the Way We Do Business

8 Ways Amazon Is Changing the Way We Do Business

Every organization has a supply chain of some kind; we all struggle with the logistics of delivering our products or services to customers and clients. And in a world where someone builds a better mousetrap every five minutes, the mantra is “innovate or die.”

February 11, 2018

The Top 8 Moments of the EMBA Year

The Top 8 Moments of the EMBA Year

It’s that time of year we are reminded how fortunate we are to be part of such a tight-knit, yet ever-growing, group of friends and leaders. The closing of the year is the perfect time to take a look back and reflect on all of our accomplishments. Here’s a recap of the best moments we shared in 2017.

December 18, 2017

7 Steps to Leading Change in Your Organization

7 Steps to Leading Change in Your Organization

We’ve all heard it: if you’re not moving forward, you’re falling behind. But how do you take the risks necessary to innovate, without going under?

November 30, 2017

Alumni Panel Recap: “The best time to do it is yesterday.”

Alumni Panel Recap: “The best time to do it is yesterday.”

Every preview luncheon features a panel of alumni who offer their personal insight into the benefits, challenges and experience of the TCU Neeley Executive MBA program. Here are some of our favorite soundbites from the November 8 luncheon.

November 20, 2017

Shout out: 16th Annual EMBA Golf Tournament Sponsors and Winners

Shout out: 16th Annual EMBA Golf Tournament Sponsors and Winners

The 16th Annual EMBA Golf Tournament was another success. It’s always great to see alumni, students, and friends of TCU come together from different classes for some good old-fashioned competition. Who hit the hardest? Who wore the craziest pants? See for yourself.

October 24, 2017

Alumni Panel Recap: “I thought it was just a nice slogan – until I experienced it.”

Alumni Panel Recap: “I thought it was just a nice slogan – until I experienced it.”

Every preview luncheon features a panel of alumni who offer their personal insight into the benefits, challenges and experience of the TCU Neeley Executive MBA program. Here are some of our favorite soundbites from the June 7 luncheon.

July 26, 2017

Can Leadership Be Taught? Here's How Neeley Does It

Can Leadership Be Taught? Here's How Neeley Does It

Leadership development is a core component of the Neeley Executive MBA program – but can you really learn leadership? Isn’t it just something you are either good at or not?

Dr. Linda LaCoste, Director of EMBA Student Services and Operations and faculty for the personal leadership development process at Neeley, explains: “Leadership development isn’t a course in the program: It’s baked into every course.” As a student, you become the facilitator, while Neeley provides content and experiences that let you hone your skills.

July 06, 2017

3 Ways Neeley Takes Care of Its Executive MBA Students

3 Ways Neeley Takes Care of Its Executive MBA Students

What you learn in an MBA program is crucial – that’s the whole point, after all. But sometimes it’s the little extras that make a big difference. Take it from our students.

June 23, 2017

3 Tips for Working Moms Pursuing their MBA

3 Tips for Working Moms Pursuing their MBA

If you’re wondering how you can possibly manage to go through an Executive MBA program like the one at Neeley while working full time and raising a family, take a look at some of the women who have already done it, like Jennifer Deerman, ’17, who entered the program the same time as her husband while they raised three kids, ran two businesses, and moved to a new house. Or Kim Speairs, ’14, a single mother of two who graduated valedictorian while working full-time and fighting cancer.

June 23, 2017

Alumni Panel Recap: “Other schools lacked the ‘it’ factor.”

Alumni Panel Recap: “Other schools lacked the ‘it’ factor.”

Every preview luncheon features a panel of alumni who offer their personal insight into the benefits, challenges and experience of the TCU Neeley Executive MBA program. Here are some of our favorite soundbites from the May 4 luncheon.

May 31, 2017

Understanding Economics in a “Fake News” World

Understanding Economics in a “Fake News” World

“Do the facts matter?”  That’s how O. Homer Erekson opened his talk at the Executive MBA Preview Luncheon at Las Colinas Country Club early this month. In a world of “fake news,” where the narrative is sometimes at odds with the facts, it’s a particularly relevant question.

May 18, 2017

Alumni Panel Recap: “My employees told me ‘You’re different.’”

Alumni Panel Recap: “My employees told me ‘You’re different.’”

Every preview luncheon features a panel of alumni who offer their personal insight into the benefits, challenges and experience of the Neeley Executive MBA program. Here are some of our favorite soundbites from the April 6 luncheon.

May 08, 2017

How to Get Your Family and Employer to Buy in to the Program

How to Get Your Family and Employer to Buy in to the Program

Whether you’re negotiating a multi-million dollar business deal, negotiating with the vehicle in the other lane to let you over, or negotiating with your six-year-old to put on his pants, negotiation is a fact of life.

April 21, 2017

Is Blockchain the Next Big Disruption? – Michael Sherrod’s Workshop, Part 3

Is Blockchain the Next Big Disruption? – Michael Sherrod’s Workshop, Part 3

We’ve talked about disruption and innovation – more specifically, how your organization can stay alive in a volatile landscape - in the first two parts of this series recapping Michael Sherrod’s workshop for Executive MBA alumni. But what’s the next big thing? Amidst the ongoing revolution brought about by the internet and the smartphone, what’s going to transform our society next?

It may be blockchain.

April 03, 2017

Alumni Panel Recap: “It would be a value at twice the price.”

Alumni Panel Recap: “It would be a value at twice the price.”

Every preview luncheon features a panel of alumni who offer their personal insight into the benefits, challenges and experience of the Neeley Executive MBA program. Here are some of our favorite soundbites from the March 1 luncheon.

March 29, 2017

How to Avoid an Expensive International Business Blunder

How to Avoid an Expensive International Business Blunder

“Business law” may bring to mind droning suits and textbooks the size of Volkswagens, but it’s far from boring when Dr. Robert Rhodes, Professor of Professional Practice in Business Law, is teaching.

At the recent Neeley Executive MBA Preview Luncheon, 29 prospective students, current students and alumni were just getting drowsy after a hearty lunch provided by the City Club of Fort Worth, when Dr. Rhodes stood to speak and woke us all up. 

March 29, 2017

Innovation Strategies that Succeed: Michael Sherrod’s Workshop, Part 2

Innovation Strategies that Succeed: Michael Sherrod’s Workshop, Part 2

In the first part of this series covering Michael Sherrod’s Executive MBA workshop about disruption and innovation, we covered several different methods for fostering innovation that don’t always – or even usually – work.

March 20, 2017

Innovation Strategies that Fail: Michael Sherrod's Workshop, Part 1

Innovation Strategies that Fail: Michael Sherrod's Workshop, Part 1

Facebook took two years to reach 50 million users; WhatsAPP did it in 18 months; Angry Birds in eight weeks; Pokémon Go in 72 hours.

This is the environment we live in now: disruption may not be new, but the speed at which it happens is increasing exponentially. If you’re not accelerating, you’re falling behind.

March 09, 2017

5 Questions to Strengthen Every Link in Your Supply Chain

5 Questions to Strengthen Every Link in Your Supply Chain

What’s your biggest challenge in getting customers what you promised them?

No matter what your organization is – for-profit or nonprofit, product or service based – your supply chain is what causes your daily headaches and provides your greatest opportunities. That’s what prospective students, current students and alumni gathered to discuss at the recent Neeley Executive MBA Preview Luncheon on a chilly Wednesday at the City Club of Fort Worth.

February 09, 2017

Leading Change: Dr. Carter Tells A Tale of Two Tickers

Leading Change: Dr. Carter Tells A Tale of Two Tickers

Have you ever tried a sure-fire strategy – one you knew from experience would work – and then watched it blow up in your face?

That’s what a group of TCU Executive MBA alumni and prospective students discussed a couple of weeks ago at the Preview Luncheon at the City Club of Fort Worth. Dr. Suzanne Carter, professor of strategy, stood in front of the giant window overlooking a rainy downtown and presented us with two logos: Apple and J.C. Penney.

December 02, 2016

He Was Laid off Mid-Program. He Graduated with a New Business.

He Was Laid off Mid-Program. He Graduated with a New Business.

When James “Opie” Fair started the Executive MBA program at Neeley, he was well-established with 11 years experience as area and branch manager for a modular building company, where he managed budgets across seven states. After working in this industry for more than 25 years, he was eager to gain knowledge that could benefit both his career and employer. He never expected to be laid off two months before his 12-year anniversary.

October 05, 2016

Roach Family Plaza

The Executive's Summer Reading List: Neeley EMBA Edition

A great leader never stops learning – and there are few more efficient ways to learn than by cracking open a good book. We recently took to Facebook to ask the Executive MBA family for a peek at their summer reading lists. From current students to alumni to faculty, here’s what we found.

July 26, 2016

She's Revolutionizing Police Training with Her MBA

She's Revolutionizing Police Training with Her MBA

Most people don’t think of law enforcement when they think of a business degree, but one sergeant in the Fort Worth Police Department is making waves with the skills and knowledge she gained in the TCU Neeley Executive MBA program.

July 09, 2016

Recap: Gems from Dr. Grant's Workshop

Recap: Gems from Dr. Grant's Workshop

Neeley makes sure your education doesn’t stop after you graduate. At the recent “How Do I Find My Zone?” workshop for Executive MBA alumni and students, Dr. Richard “Nick” Grant, Jr. returned to talk about using psychology to improve ourselves, our coaching style and our sales approach.

In case you missed it, or didn’t take as many notes as you wished, here’s a roundup of all three recaps we wrote.

July 02, 2016

He Realized for the Lord’s Work, He’d Need Some Business Savvy.

He Realized for the Lord’s Work, He’d Need Some Business Savvy.

Ray Taylor thought he was done with school when he graduated from Andersonville Theological Seminary with a Bachelor of Theology. The new lead pastor at Trinity Harvest Church in Hurst, Texas, he was prepared for the work as a preacher, teacher, shepherd and counselor. But he soon discovered he needed a boost in a vital skill set that people rarely consider in church leadership: business administration.

June 28, 2016

Coaching by Personality Type: Gems from Dr. Grant’s Workshop Part 3

Coaching by Personality Type: Gems from Dr. Grant’s Workshop Part 3

Neeley makes sure your education doesn’t stop after you graduate. At the recent “How Do I Find My Zone?” workshop for Executive MBA alumni and students, we focused on using psychology to improve ourselves, our coaching style and our sales approach.

June 27, 2016

How to Find Your Zone: Gems from Dr. Grant’s Workshop Part 1

How to Find Your Zone: Gems from Dr. Grant’s Workshop Part 1

The world doesn’t stop changing after you graduate, so Neeley makes sure your education doesn’t stop there, either. Sometimes we take deeper dives into topics covered in the course curriculum, sometimes we talk about new hot topics, and sometimes – like at the recent “How Do I Find My Zone?” workshop – we focus on improving ourselves.

June 09, 2016

She Almost Quit the Program. She Graduated Valedictorian.

She Almost Quit the Program. She Graduated Valedictorian.

Kim Speairs, Class of 2014, is a single mother of two who oversees client services at Balcom Agency, the largest full-service marketing firm in Fort Worth, so she’s used to juggling a lot of different things.

And she’s good at it. Kim holds an Accreditation in Public Relations, a prestigious National PRSA Bronze Anvil Award, and was named one of the Fort Worth Business Press’ Who’s Who in Tarrant County from 2000-2002.

April 26, 2016

Neeley Executive MBA Program Puts Latest Korn Ferry Research to Use

Neeley Executive MBA Program Puts Latest Korn Ferry Research to Use

Along with our recent ranking by The Economist as number 12 in the worldthere’s something else drawing global attention to the Executive MBA program at Neeley.

The TCU Neeley School of Business is now one of only 13 business schools in the world to partner with Korn/Ferry International. Neeley is using the organization’s leadership development and talent management expertise to take our Executive MBA program to the next level.

April 20, 2016

6 Time-Saving Tips to Help Balance Life and Business School

6 Time-Saving Tips to Help Balance Life and Business School

No matter who you are or what you do, few things are more valuable than your time. But when you’re pursuing an MBA, time is your most precious commodity. Juggling the rigors of graduate school with, in many cases, a full-time career and family life can be a monumental task. That’s why it’s important to utilize tried-and-true time-saving methods whenever you can. And who better to share their wisdom than those who have already reached the MBA summit?

We asked TCU Neeley Executive MBA alumni what time-saving tips they had to offer to incoming EMBA students, each of whom brought their own unique perspective to conquering Father Time.

April 14, 2016

10 Amazing Things Achieved by Neeley’s Executive MBA Class of 2015

10 Amazing Things Achieved by Neeley’s Executive MBA Class of 2015

Every class in Neeley’s Executive MBA program grows incredibly close, and every class makes incredible leaps forward in their careers and in their ability to lead – but every class is also slightly different. Here’s a look back at the some of the many unforgettable moments the Class of 2015 saw in the last year and a half.

January 12, 2016

4 Quick Lessons for How to Think Like an Executive

4 Quick Lessons for How to Think Like an Executive

What separates a great executive from an average manager is the ability to learn to do things differently and more effectively.

July 01, 2015

3 Steps to the Best Strategy Session You’ve Ever Had

3 Steps to the Best Strategy Session You’ve Ever Had

We’ve all been in that strategy session that seems to be going nowhere. Bursts of creative ideas get shot down by monetary realities, then descend into awkward silences, and after hours of brainstorming, you leave uncertain of what your next steps should be.

March 08, 2015

Leading Under Pressure: 4 Roadblocks You Must Avoid

Leading Under Pressure: 4 Roadblocks You Must Avoid

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like you’re in a pressure cooker and the top is about to blow? As leaders, when we’re faced with these stressful situations, we can’t just stick our heads in the sand. Here are four roadblocks that often get in a leader’s way and tricks to outmaneuver them.

February 05, 2015

3 Ways to Build a Great Company Culture

3 Ways to Build a Great Company Culture

How was your day?

Chances are, your answer doesn’t depend on the size of your salary or the accompanying benefits package. It probably doesn’t even depend on whether or not you won the big account. It depends on your company’s values, how its people treat one another – the entire workplace atmosphere on a day-to-day basis. In other words, its culture.

January 28, 2015

3 Ways to Turn Strategy into Reality

3 Ways to Turn Strategy into Reality

Your organization is like a machine, with many moving parts hopefully working toward a single goal. You have to understand each component if you want to keep the machine running smoothly.

January 05, 2015

10 Amazing Things Achieved by Neeley’s Executive MBA Class of 2014

10 Amazing Things Achieved by Neeley’s Executive MBA Class of 2014

Ask any of our alumni and they’ll tell you: Neeley’s Executive MBA program is an intense, transformative, unforgettable experience. In December, we bid farewell to the Class of 2014, but thought it fitting to jot down some of the highlights from their time as Neeley Executive MBA students.

January 01, 2015

My 4th Weekend In

My 4th Weekend In

Wow — what a weekend! I knew it would be rough with our Financial Accounting paper, presentation and final exam all due on Saturday. But, traveling out of town for work all day Tuesday and Wednesday did not help. Sleep was in short supply.

October 05, 2013